With more than twenty years experience analyzing and writing about politics for the investment community, Steve is the Publisher and Vice President of The Political Forum, an Independent Research Provider.
Our goal is to educate and enlighten, to integrate history, politics, philosophy, sociology, and even poetry into the analysis of current events and forecasts for the future. To that end, we seek as well to encourage the celebrity kingpins of the 24-hour news cycle to do more to integrate those same elements – history, philosophy, sociology, poetry – into their discussions. The advent of the 24-hour news cycle has, in many ways, been a net positive for society, cultivating a public that is better informed of the news of the day. But it has also stoked the flames of political controversy in a battle for ratings. The media have failed, we believe, to take advantage of their powerful positions as trusted experts to place contemporary events in a broader historic context and thus to promote better informed and less emotionally volatile judgements. We are under no illusions as to our ability to effect great change in the news business. But we humbly hope that this website will serve as an example of how it might be done.
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